- md5 wrote on 22 Jun 2017 at 14:02 +0200:
Strange, checked again i the zip file http://www.4mhz.de/download.php?file=b64dec-1-1-2.zip
with an actual version RapidCRCUnicodePortable_0.3.23_English
with http://onlinemd5.com/ where i entered the url http://www.4mhz.de/download.php?file=b64dec-1-1-2.zip.
told me this md5 743169F20B96C32DA77E5FF7129E54DB.
- Tim (4mhz.de) wrote on 22 Jun 2017 at 12:53 +0200:
I just checked the MD5 of the b64dev-1-1-2.zip file, and it is the same as I stated
on my page:
So, are you sure? ;)
(My MD5 for the EXE file is the same as yours.)
- md5 wrote on 22 Jun 2017 at 09:04 +0200:
Hello Tim, Thank you!
Your b64dec-1-1-2.zip (Win32 binary, 213 KB, MD5: 10b54725d033c75d47a1b95c7d01b63a)
fine for me, but i got a different md5,
for the b64dec.zip,
for the b64dec-1-1-2.exe.
Just wanted to let you know.
My first processor was also the Z80; In a CP/M. :-)
- Kam (inwestuj.co.pl) wrote on 23 Feb 2017 at 15:07 +0100:
Peculiar article, totally what I wanted to find.
- Jose wrote on 11 Feb 2016 at 00:37 +0100:
Your b64dec program is the only one that can decode all base64 strings just fine,
I get base64 strings from our clients that c# is not able to decode using the Convert.FromBase64String()
method, but your program converts them just fine. Is there any way you could facilitate
me the code that you wrote to decode the base64 strings? I know it is written in
Delphi, I plan to create a c# version of it. Thanks
- Jose wrote on 10 Feb 2016 at 22:49 +0100:
Your b64dec program is the only one that can decode all base64 strings just fine,
I get base64 strings from our clients that c# is not able to decode using the Convert.FromBase64String()
method, but your program converts them just fine. Is there any way you could facilitate
me the code that you wrote to decode the base64 strings? I know it is written in
Delphi, I plan to create a c# version of it. Thanks
- Jose wrote on 10 Feb 2016 at 22:49 +0100:
Your b64dec program is the only one that can decode all base64 strings just fine,
I get base64 strings from our clients that c# is not able to decode using the Convert.FromBase64String()
method, but your program converts them just fine. Is there any way you could facilitate
me the code that you wrote to decode the base64 strings? I know it is written in
Delphi, I plan to create a c# version of it. Thanks
- Jose wrote on 10 Feb 2016 at 22:14 +0100:
Your b64dec program is the only one that can decode all base64 strings just fine,
I get base64 strings from our clients that c# is not able to decode using the Convert.FromBase64String()
method, but your program converts them just fine. Is there any way you could facilitate
me the code that you wrote to decode the base64 strings? I know it is written in
Delphi, I plan to create a c# version of it. Thanks
- Tim (4mhz.de) wrote on 28 Jul 2014 at 08:55 +0200:
- Dom wrote on 24 Jul 2014 at 19:23 +0200: